Conference dinner menu and POLUDNIE lunch menu (NEW!)

MAIN COURSE (to choose from at REGISTRATION)

1. Halibut sauté with green vegetables and Nameko mushroom sauce

2. Famous roast duck served with red cabbage with a hint of smoked plum and currants with traditional home made steamed dumplings (the steamed dumpling are only made in Poznan)

3. Celery steak with green pepper sauce, herbs, dried tomato, spinach and homemade smoked paprika oil/vegan

Południe lunch Thu 13-13.45


Masurian mushroom soup with sauerkraut with our pasta                                               18 PLN

Cream of white asparagus with roasted grains 20 PLN
Massaman curry with young vegetables                      
spicy curry paste, coconut milk, potatoes, vegetables, young carrots, young cabbage, jasmine rice, coriander                                    37 PLN
Red curry with chicken
chicken, vegetables, red curry and coconut milk sauce, jasmine rice, and coriander                                                  38 PLN
Our noodle nirvana
pulled beef, vegetables, a bit of chili, our soy sauce, coriander, spring onion, sesame          46 PLN
Our red pesto pasta with tenderloin*                             
pork tenderloin, red pesto, vegetables, cream, basil                                                               42 PLN
Pork ribs in oriental barbecue                              
our oriental barbecue, baked new potatoes with butter and dill, fresh vegetable salad  47 PLN